10 Shocking Habits That Make You Look Older

From soaking up those extra rays to enjoying too many cocktails these are bad habits that age you faster.


One of the worst habits regarding aging more quickly is smoking. It’s safe to say that we all know smoking isn’t good for you but do you know how bad it really is? Not only does it increase your risk for various cancers but it also makes you look older than your actual age.

If you smoke cigarettes you will inevitably begin to develop changes in your skin specifically wrinkles these transformations will become apparent after about 10 years of smoking cigarettes, of course, this varies between smokers dependent on how often they smoke so more cigarettes means more wrinkles.

Smoking also makes you look older because it causes wrinkles on more than just your face it will damage other areas of your skin as well. It can also wrinkle your inner arms because nicotine makes blood vessels in your outermost skin layer narrow thus preventing normal blood flow to your skin.

The halt of proper blood flow stops your skin from getting the oxygen and vitamins it needs. Smoking can make your teeth brown and stain your fingers and nails yellow it seems like the best option even though it’s difficult is to quit


We all know that overeating is bad for you but now we’ll discuss the adverse effects of doing so in more detail. One result of eating too much is a change in your body’s clock you will begin craving more food during times that you wouldn’t have before.

Overeating can also cause food addiction consumption of food can result in a dopamine release in the brain which makes it habit forming continuing to eat this way also lowers the number of dopamine receptors overall.

Other effects include not being able to tell when you’re full, tiredness, dizziness, heartburn, acid reflux, diabetes, and artery damage.

A study done in 2009 suggested that obesity a common result of overeating could visibly age people faster. The researchers measured telomeres June carrying molecules on chromosomes which shorten every time a cell divides and eventually dies.

They discovered that the more person weighed the shorter their telomeres were shorter telomeres means that you age more quickly because your cells are no longer dividing as much or sometimes at all this causes gray hair, loose skin, cancer, heart disease, and several other things.

Beauty sleep

Another cause of premature aging is not getting enough good quality sleep. A study done by scientists at university hospitals case Medical Center showed that people who don’t sleep well experience signs of aging skin earlier than others.

One of the reasons for this is that people who don’t have an adequate amount of sleep don’t recover as much from the sun or other environmental damages.

People who don’t sleep well are also more likely to become overweight. So if you can then try to get the recommended seven to eight hours of sleep per night to feel and look better.


Laziness is another big factor and quick or aging. If you don’t exercise you might start looking older than you are. Aging eventually is inevitable but there are ways to reverse some physical aspects and prevent others.

One of the best ways to do this is through exercise most of us hate that word but it is essential for a healthy body and mind. A study conducted in the mid-2010s took 29 male and females between the ages of 20 and 80 for. Half of the volunteers performed physical activity at least three hours per week and the others exercise less than 60 minutes a week.

The scientists then took skin samples of each participant. They found that those who worked out more often had healthier skin overall.

Since other factors needed to be taken into consideration they had the less active group of people began exercising twice a week for three months. After another biopsy, the results suggested that their skin became younger with added physical activity.


Unfortunately for a lot of us were stuck at desk jobs. Staring at a computer screen and worsening our posture for days on end. Not only can constant slouching give you pain but it can also make you age more quickly.

The reason for this stems back to our section on adequate sleep. In addition to lousy posture causing pain staring at a computer screen contributes to lack of sleep. Light from your computer cell phone tablet or any other electronic device is proven to reduce your Melatonin production.

Melatonin regulates sleep and since light makes us feel more awake. It creates an issue with sleeping. This, in turn, makes you age faster as we discussed previously.

It causes strain on the eyes which makes them dry in red thus giving you an older or more tired appearance. So try to turn off the computer sooner and pay attention to your posture to combat these effects.

Drinking alcohol

This might go without saying but drinking too much alcohol can age you faster as well. There are numerous ways those fruity poolside cocktails will make you look older. The first is that it lowers your nutrition levels through the loss of health and nutrients, specifically it depletes your vitamin A which is an important antioxidant for healthy skin and collagen production. Without as much vitamin A you can begin developing wrinkles.

The reduction of collagen can result in an elasticity and fullness reduction which makes you appear less youthful. The consumption of alcohol also causes dehydration which makes your skin look older as well. It can also cause swelling, redness, and puffiness because it widens your blood vessels.

In addition to a swelling face it can cause your whole body to swell that’s right we’re talking about weight gain. We already talked about how excess weight can make you age faster and alcohol is just another contributing factor.

Lastly, alcohol disturbs your sleep cycle and causes you to wake up in the middle of the night thus preventing as much deep sleep.

Unhealthy eating

Not only does overeating make you age more quickly but consuming unhealthy foods does as well. Several foods do this so listen close. You’ll know what to avoid in your daily meals.

The first thing to watch out for is sweets. This is difficult for anyone who has a sweet tooth but unfortunately, these tasty treats have negative side effects. When you eat too much sugar the molecules merge with proteins and create advanced glycation end-products, which might Mar the collagen in your skin this could lead to sagging and wrinkles. It is bad for your teeth. It can cause cavities bacteria and stains.

Another thing to avoid is charred meat. This one might be difficult if you’re having a family barbecue but do your best to remove. The burnt pieces on your food the problem with blackened meat is that it might have hydrocarbons that cause inflammation which affects your collagen as well.

You should also stay away from salty foods because they retain water and could make you look puffy. Many people already know this but processed meat is another food to steer clear of. It contains a lot of preservatives that cause inflammation.

Don’t forget to check your foods nutrition label for trans fat as well they can cause heart disease, make you more susceptible to damage from UV rays, and are bad for your skin.

Another thing to refrain from includes coffee, tea, and energy drinks as they can stain your teeth and weaken your enamel.

No eye cream

There are certain parts of the body that are more susceptible to premature aging and one of them is the skin around your eyes. It is thin and fragile making it prone to wrinkles fine lines and sagging but there are ways to slow down the aging process around your eyes.

One of the best things you can do is use a good quality eye cream, unfortunately, the lotion of anti-aging treatment used for the rest of your face won’t do the trick on that delicate area of skin.

You should look for eye creams that contain peptides and vitamin C because they stimulate your collagen. Other ingredients to consider our retinol which smoothes your skin and helps with discoloration and high lauric acid which assists in retaining moisture. So it might be a little expensive up front but investing in a proper eye cream will help you postpone the aging process.


This one might not seem as obvious but holding grudges can make you age faster. People often find it difficult to forgive someone who has wronged them in the past. Although it’s hard to let it go it will leave you feeling much better if you do. The anger you feel by holding a grudge can cause your blood pressure to increase messes with your vagus nerve which helps control the heart, digestive tract, and lungs. Negatively affects your overall health.

Frowning and firming your brows will lead to early wrinkles and sagging skin. So try to let go of those angry feelings as it will benefit you in the long run.


Perhaps one of the most significant contributing factors to premature aging is stress just like being overweight can lead to shortened telomeres. So can being stressed out. If you are feeling the pressure for drawn-out periods of time it can reduce these gene-carrying molecules.

We previously discussed that this could lead to an early onset of gray hair wrinkles and various diseases. In addition to these things stress also ages your brain and can be linked to Alzheimer’s disease.

It can cause hearing and vision loss by speeding up your heart rate. Increasing blood pressure and producing a but besides this stress contributes to other factors that make people age faster.

People under a lot of stress are more likely to eat poorly drink more alcohol, take medication, and exercise less. It also affects sleep so practicing things that reduce your stress is critical in preventing premature aging.