Varicose Veins: 3 Simple Tips to Treat at Home

In this article, we look at 3 natural ways to treat varicose veins at home.

1. Consume

High fiber foods

High-fiber foods are great for varicose veins. Now, here’s something interesting, the diet and the food recommendations that help varicose veins or spider veins also help hemorrhoids and PMS. A lot of women and some men that have varicose veins also have hemorrhoids or hemorrhoidal issues as well as PMS symptoms.

There’s a correlation and the high-antioxidant, high-fiber foods can help. So you want to consume high fiber foods. Seeds are great, nuts to an extent, vegetables and as you see here, berries are wonderful, avocado, etc.

I recommend 25 to even 35 grams a day of fiber. They’ve studied ancient cultures and the natives who consume 25, 35 even higher in fiber every day have no hemorrhoids, no constipation issues, they don’t even know what some of these things are, and the women have no varicose veins.

Flax and chia seeds

They’re high in antioxidants and good fats. Good fats + antioxidants + fiber = A dynamic trio. Omega-3 fats etc. You want to consume two to three tablespoons of whole chia or ground chia and/or ground flax a day and that will really help, but it’ll take time.


Berries are loaded with antioxidants. They are tremendous in their ability to fight oxidation. And when you’re dealing with varicose veins, typically, people have a low serum or low blood levels of antioxidants. I love consuming berries. A cup a day would be awesome of blueberries. They’re always available, either frozen or fresh. Strawberries are amazing, raspberries are amazing, blackberries are really really good. Eat the seeds if you can.

Cayenne pepper

This is a great spice. Cayenne pepper in food or even, get this, topically because there are elements in peppers, capsaicin, that help drive circulation. And cayenne’s a great source of vitamin C which is good for your overall collagen and elastin production.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a great fat. We get it from food, such as the pictured nuts. You can also get vitamin E from avocado or you can take a vitamin E supplement. Look for one that has tocopherols and tocotrienols.

Bone Broth

Any time you’re dealing with anything to do with your body, anything to do with your joints, ligaments, tendons, even your veins, you want collagen, glucosamine, chondroitin and hyaluronic acid. But you also want minerals, potassium, and sodium, and you want to detox with glycine. Bone broth’s so good for your legs and your hair, skin, and nails will look better as a result. Your legs will feel less heavy.

2. Avoid

Trans fat

Any damaged oils from processed foods that say, “hydrogenated” or “partially hydrogenated,” you want to avoid. Trans fats are damaged fats. They cause a vacuum to suck up your antioxidants. And remember, you need antioxidants to fight varicose veins.


Sugar is counterproductive to your immune system. It helps you put on fat, which isn’t good for your legs. It’s just plain not good at all. So try to avoid excess or added sugar. Use sweeteners such as raw honey, coconut sugar, etc. that are much better.


Most people think that caffeine is good for them. If you’ve got varicose veins, it makes sense to greatly cut down on caffeine consumption.


Alcohol is counterproductive to your arteries and veins unless you’re consuming certified organic, sulfite-free, dark-colored wine. Even wine from white grapes is good too, but beer and strong drinks are definitely counterproductive to your liver clearing toxins, which will ultimately result in, again, a reduction of antioxidants and it will rob them from your vascular system.

Processed foods

You want to avoid processed foods. Everything pictures there isn’t good for you. So you want to avoid these processed foods because they often contain chemicals and artificial flavors, artificial sweeteners, damaged fats, and the list goes on. Processed foods, really, they’re sucking up your antioxidants.

3. Natural Remedies

Horse chestnut

It is a go-to traditional Chinese. Let’s call it herb for your vascular system for your varicose veins, spider veins, and your hemorrhoids. Remember, there’s a connection.

Butcher’s broom

Butcher’s broom is very similar. This is another herb that is great for varicose veins. Look for it in formulas, make a tea out of it. It’s really, really awesome and specific for these issues that affect women.

Grape Seed Extract

Grape seed and skin extract are wonderful for varicose veins, which is why I said if you do drink red wine that’s organic and sulfite-free could actually be helpful. It contains antioxidants called OPCs, which are great for your arteries, capillaries, and veins.


Bilberry, which is really European blueberry, is great for your eyes and it’s great to drive circulation and helps your vascular system. It can be found in lozenges, syrups and in supplements.

Cypress essential oil

Either use it, applying it neat, which means put it right on the vein or use a carrier oil, such as jojoba, coconut oil, etc.

Certain antioxidants from citrus peels are really, really good for your veins. In fact, there have been clinical studies on compounds found in lemon, orange and grapefruit peels that are really good.

Quick recap

We’re talking about treating varicose veins naturally. Eat more high-fiber foods, including flaxen chia. They also have good fats, antioxidants. Berries are loaded with antioxidants. Remember, when you’re dealing with varicose veins, your body needs antioxidants and you want to add them through these foods. Cayenne pepper, great orally and topically.

Vitamin E is great orally and topically, great for your skin, great for your vascular system. And bone broth is wonderful for you to maintain the health of your joints, ligaments, tendons, hair, skin, and nails. Eating those foods is important, but avoiding trans fats, sugar, limiting caffeine and alcohol, particularly high percentage alcohol beverages, etc. And avoid processed foods. You want to use these natural remedies to help build capillary and venous or vein health.

Horse chestnut, butcher’s broom, grape seed or skin extract, bilberry are all available in capsules, you can get the bulk and make a tea or find a tea. And cypress essential oil. I also added some lemon essential oil with it for the powerful antioxidants it contains. Apply that directly to your varicose veins, and I believe you’ll see results. These natural remedies don’t work overnight, but they do work if you are consistent.