30-Minute Full Body Workout at Home Without Equipment

A full-body workout is very beneficial to health. If you want to lose weight or want to have defined abs, then this workout routine is for you. Even if you are going to the gym, then also add this routine to your workout.

30-Minute Workout Routine

Muscle Group Time
Full body warmup 5 Minutes
Abs 5 Minutes
Arms and Back 5 Minutes
Legs 5 Minutes
Inner core & Side abs 5 Minutes
Thighs 5 Minutes


WARM-UP: 5 Minutes

1. Touch down and up

Touch down and up

Time: 40 Seconds
Rest: 20 Seconds

Feet in a wide stance, Hands together, breathe in and reach down, then breathe out and reach up. Keep your back and your legs as straight as possible.

2. Squat punch

Squat punch

Time: 40 Seconds 
Rest: 20 Seconds

Squat down with hands together in front. Your thighs are parallel to the floor. Squeeze your glutes as you come up. Punch one arm forward then squat down again and come up. Punch as hard as you can to maximize the burn.

3. Elbow knee touch

Elbow knee touch

Time: 40 Seconds 
Rest: 20 Seconds

Legs wide apart, hands behind your head, crunch your abs and twist your torso as you raise one knee up to touch your opposite elbow. This is working your abs and burning the fat.

4. Inchworm


Time: 40 Seconds 
Rest: 20 Seconds

One of my favorite, super-effective full-body exercises. Walk your hands forward and make a high plank position, hold your core tight with your butt down to make sure your body is in one shape line. Then walk your hands back to your feet and this is one rep. We’re working your arms chest, core, back, and legs.

5. High plank to down dog

High plank to down dog

Time: 40 Seconds 
Rest: 20 Seconds

Start in high plank position then press your arms into the floor, shoulders away from your ears, butt lift it up in the air to form a V-position. Then come back down into high plank, remember to keep your hips down so your body is in one straight line.

ABS: 5 Minutes

After a perfect warm-up, now we will target our abs.

1. Knees up crunch

Knees up crunch

Time: 40 Seconds 
Rest: 20 Seconds

Lie on your back and lift your legs. Knees bent, hands behind your ears, crunch your abs to lift your shoulders off the ground and towards your knees.

2. Leg raise reverse crunch

Leg raise reverse crunch

Time: 40 Seconds 
Rest: 20 Seconds

This exercise is the best for lower abs and inner core. Lower your butts work your lower abs to raise your legs towards the sky. Then lift your hips high off the ground. Lower your head back to the floor and then your legs until there are a few inches off the floor. Keep your legs off the ground the whole exercise. You should be feeling a burn in your belly area.

3. Hip raise heel touch

Hip raise heel touch

Time: 40 Seconds 
Rest: 20 Seconds

This exercise will help you in the intense burn. Bend your knees, feet flat on the floor, lift your hips and shoulders slightly off the floor with the side ab to curl to one side as you touch your ankle with your hand.

4. Slow ab bike

Slow ab bike

Time: 40 Seconds 
Rest: 20 Seconds

This exercise will take your ab bur to the next level. You should be doing slow. Bring one knee in and at the same time straighten the other leg out, turn your upper body so that your opposite elbow is touching the knee. Slowly alternate between sides. The burn in the ABS is actually more intense when it’s slow.

5. Lying elbow knee touch

Lying elbow knee touch

Time: 40 Seconds 
Rest: 20 Seconds

This exercise will engage your all angles of abs. Feet and back flat on the floor, crunch your ab to lift and twist your torso as you raise one knee up at the same time so that one elbow touches the opposite knee. Squeeze your abs every time you lift your torso and leg up.

ARMS AND BACK: 5 Minutes

1. Arm fly

Arm fly

Time: 40 Seconds
Rest: 20 Seconds

Lift your arms up and down as if you’re flying with your wings, keeping them straight. It looks easy while I promise you’ll feel the burn very soon.

2. Wing fly chop

Wing fly chop

Time: 40 Seconds
Rest: 20 Seconds

This exercise will target our triceps and back. Bend your upper body down to almost parallel to the floor. A slight bend in your knees then chop your arms back as you straighten them. Put in as much power as you can in each rep.

3. Knee push up

Knee push up

Time: 40 Seconds
Rest: 20 Seconds

Hands under your shoulders, knees on the floor, bend your elbows to lower your body, keep your back flat, butt down and elbows kept close to your body. Once your elbows are at around 90 degrees angle, push yourself back up. Try to keep your butt down throughout the whole movement.

4. Single-arm plank

Single-arm plank

Time: 40 Seconds 
Rest: 20 Seconds

Get into high plank, lift one arm up off the floor, hold it here for 20 seconds and switch sides. Make sure you’re holding your abs tight, your whole body in one straight line, maintain your balance. It’s not as easy as it looks.

5. Commando


Time: 40 Seconds 
Rest: 20 Seconds

Start an elbow plank and push up with one arm followed by the other to get to high plank then return to elbow plank and lower one forearm followed by the other. Hold your core and butt tight to keep your body stable.

LEGS: 5 Minutes

1. Air squat

Air squat

Time: 40 Seconds 
Rest: 20 Seconds

Feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Sit back and down with your head and chest. Squeeze your glutes and stand back up. You’re starting to feel the burn in your thighs and booty. Go faster if you can.

2. Front and back lunge (Right leg)

Front and back lunge (Right leg)

Time: 40 Seconds 
Rest: 20 Seconds

Hands on your waist, step forward with right leg, lower your hips until both knees are bend at about a 90-degree angle with all your weight in your last leg. Push back up to standing and immediately take a big step back with the right leg into a reverse lunge.

3. Front and back lunge (Left leg)

Front and back lunge (Left leg)

Time: 40 Seconds 
Rest: 20 Seconds

This exercise is as above. You have to just do it with left leg.

4. Donkey kick

Donkey kick

Time: 40 Seconds 
Rest: 20 Seconds

Squeeze your booty as you raise one leg behind you as high as possible. Then lower it down but still have it off the floor to keep the tension. Repeat with this leg for 20 seconds and switch sides. Be mindful that we’re using our legs and glutes for every list instead of just swinging with our back.

5. Fire hydrant

Fire hydrant

Time: 40 Seconds 
Rest: 20 Seconds

Keep your knees bend, work your glutes and thighs to lift one leg to the side as high as you can. Squeeze your booty at the top to really feel the burn. Repeat on the side for 20 seconds and switch sides.


1. Single leg plank

Time: 40 Seconds 
Rest: 20 Seconds

Get into a regular plank position, put your core tight so that your whole body is in one straight line. Let’s one leg off the floor as you squeeze your booties, hold it there for 20 seconds and switch legs.

2. Plank hip dips

Time: 40 Seconds 
Rest: 20 Seconds

Stay in elbow plank position, holding in your belly, rotate your hip to one side, dip your body almost to the floor. Then working your midsection rotate your hip and dip to the opposite side. This is a tough one but you have to do it.

3. Side plank

Time: 40 Seconds 
Rest: 20 Seconds

One forearm on the floor. Work your side adds to lift your body up so that you’re in one straight line from head to toes. Switch side after 20 seconds.

4. Spiderman plank

Time: 40 Seconds 
Rest: 20 Seconds

Again an elbow plank position, crunch your abs to bring one knee in towards your elbow on the same side. This is what gives you killer abs because it works not only the deepest core muscles but also the upper and lower abs on the surface to really slim and tighten your belly area.

5. Plank to dolphin

Time: 40 Seconds 
Rest: 20 Seconds

Starting an elbow plank, place your forearms and elbows into the floor, crunch your abs raise, your hips and push your shoulders away to form D-Position. Then lower down your hip, hold your core tight and return to elbow plank again with your body in one straight line. You should be feeling a burn everywhere from your abs to your arms, shoulders, and back.

THIGHS: 5 Minutes

1. Outer leg lift + Circle (Left leg)

Time: 40 Seconds 
Rest: 20 Seconds

Lie on your right side, right leg bent on the floor, left leg straight and get your thigh to pulse it up and down then switch to lick circle after 20 seconds.

2. Outer leg lift + Circle (Right leg)

Time: 40 Seconds 
Rest: 20 Seconds

This is the same exercise but working the other leg. Lie on your left side this time posture right leg, again switch to lake circle after 20 seconds.

3. Inner lift

Time: 40 Seconds 
Rest: 20 Seconds

Staying on your left side, left leg straight on the floor, cross your right leg over your left and plant it on the ground in front. Do it for 20 seconds and switch sides.

4. Side Lunge

Time: 40 Seconds 
Rest: 20 Seconds

Stand with your feet wide apart, shift your body weight to one leg bending the knee with the other leg straight, sit your butt back down until thigh is parallel to the floor. Then push through your heel to return to Center standing position. Repeat on the side for 20 seconds and switch legs.

5. Sumo squat pulses

Time: 40 Seconds 
Rest: 20 Seconds

Feet wide apart, hands together in front off your chest, squat down so you’re side to parallel to the floor. Here start pulsing up and down without standing all the way back up. Really engage your thighs in every pose.

30-minute workout