Coconut Oil Guide: Uses, Health Benefits, Facts, and More

In this post, we are going to teach the ultimate guide to coconut oil. Here you learn, how to use it? What are its health benefits? and some interesting facts.

What is it?

Coconut oil has really been used especially in the tropics for thousands of years for hydration, if you’re talking about coconut water, for the cooking oil, for the meat, often used in smoothies today. And actually, historically it was used, it was actually called the tree of life because coconuts fed so many people, you know, fat is high in calories which can actually be good for giving people energy, quality energy.

Fun Facts

“Over 1,500 medical studies published in prestigious journals have found that coconut oil is beneficial for your health.”

Research has finally uncovered the secrets to this amazing fruit: namely healthy fats called medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs), which are:

  • Easier to digest
  • Not readily stored as fat
  • Anti-microbial and anti-fungal
  • Smaller in size, allowing easier cell permeability for immediate energy
  • Processed by the liver, which means that they are immediately converted to energy instead of being stored as fat.

Health Benefits

Fights Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease is actually been quoted as being type 3 diabetes oftentimes it’s related to insulin issues.

•So here’s the thing, going on something called the coconut ketogenic diet can help fight Alzheimer’s.

In fact, a medical doctor in Florida, a female medical doctor took care of her husband who had Alzheimer’s and she said, by supplementing with coconut oil and a ketogenic diet it helped him overcome Alzheimer’s naturally.

Lowers blood pressure

Most people are getting too many carbohydrates and sugars in their diet, not near enough fat.

Excess sugars and carbohydrates will cause insulin spikes and can cause inflammation. Consuming more fat like coconut oil can actually keep blood sugar and blood pressure levels balanced on a daily basis.

Fights inflammation

You know, there are three types of fats you want to get more of in your diet.

  • Medium-chain fatty acids ( You’re going to find in coconut oil )
  • Omega 3 fatty acids ( Wild-caught salmon and chia seeds )
  • Monounsaturated fats ( Avocados and almonds )

Those are the type of fats you want to be getting in. All of those have anti-inflammatory properties.

Cancer-fighting potential

Lauric acid, capric acid, and caprylic acid specifically fight off Candida in the body and fungal overgrowth.

In fact, some doctors believed that cancer is in part acts as a fungus in the body and how it can spread and replicate in your system.

But, again, overall, fighting cancer, coconut oil has a potential to especially if you’re following something that’s more of a coconut ketogenic diet and again, getting plenty of green, leafy vegetables in your diet, and herbs like turmeric on a daily basis.

Immune system boost

This is in part because of how it bounces out microbes in the body. You know, the health of your microbiome, we know, is related to every area of your body. Hippocrates was quoted thousands of years ago saying all disease begins in the gut.

Well, 75% of your immune system is located in your gut, in your digestive tract. Coconut oil, one of my top five foods along with bone broth that helps boost your immune system and supports digestive health.

Memory and brain function

When you’re consuming coconut oil or in ketosis, your body actually starts producing and using something called ketone bodies and these ketone bodies can actually be good for the brain and help heal the brain.

So, again, going on a ketogenic diet in coconut oil is good for brain function as is using certain essential oils like Rosemary oil.

Energy and endurance

Whether you’re a swimmer, a runner, a triathlete, or you just do sports on a regular basis, or maybe a CrossFit athlete. You want to improve your endurance.

Now, your body, when you’re doing-especially steady-state cardio, your body is sometimes getting in a fat-burning zone where you actually want to make it easy for your body to burn fat for fuel. Coconut oil is the ideal oil and fat for athletes because it’s the type of fat with medium-chain fat that your body can use the fastest as fuel.

Cyclists are doing this when they’re going on long-distance rides, so it’s great for energy and endurance especially because it helps blood sugar levels.

Improves digestion

You know, for a lot of people, we’re consuming foods that can cause bad bacteria and Candida to build up in our guts. An example of this is excess sugar consumption, hydrogenated oils that are genetically modified. All of those things cause inflammation.

If you want to heal your gut you’ve got to follow an anti-inflammatory diet. Key components of that, bone broth, coconut oil, and then get some good herbs in your diet like licorice root and ginger root and peppermint, all of those things can help improve your digestive function.

Eases gallbladder disease

If you or someone you know has had their gallbladder removed or has fat digestive issues or gallbladder issues. Even if somebody starts to get skin issues really get red lumps on their skin like rosacea that’s caused by improper fat digestion.

And if you’re not digesting fats properly or have had your gallbladder removed or have liver disease, coconut oil is the ideal oil because, again, it’s so easy for your body to breakdown versus other fats even things like olive oil, it’s more work for your body, coconut oil is a better choice for those with gallbladder and liver issues.

Improves skin issues

It’s great natural hydration of the skin. You know, I love making DIY recipes with coconut oil, mixing coconut oil with lavender essential oil, using that to moisturize the skin, or coconut oil, manuka honey, and tea tree oil rubbing that on the skin and washing it off for acne, a great natural remedy.

Prevents gum disease/tooth decay

You know, oil pulling has been shown to fight gum disease. A lot of people don’t know this, but the health of your mouth actually has been correlated with heart disease and the health of your entire body.

So if you want to fight cavities, if you want to reduce gingivitis and gum disease, swish around coconut oil in your mouth for 5 to 20 minutes.

But oil pulling has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine to benefit oral health and it’s even more beneficial than flossing for fighting gum disease.

Prevents osteoporosis

Again, the beneficial fats can actually help with nutrient absorption of fat-soluble vitamins like Vitamin D and Vitamin K2. So again, we want to absorb more of these coconut oils can help fat-soluble vitamin absorption.

Improves type 2 diabetes

If you want to lose weight or stay younger longer, here are the things you want in every meal. You want to reduce sugar and carb consumption. You want to consume fat, fiber, and protein.

Those three things in every meal, and then some antioxidants like some herbs. You’re doing that every meal those blood sugar levels are going to be balanced, you’re going to see some great results in diabetes quickly.

Weight loss

Coconut oil for weight loss is really one of the secret ingredients there. Again, a ketogenic diet or a diet that’s rich in plants and wild meats, a great way to lose weight fast.

I’d say for weight loss, a tablespoon a day, especially, using it as your main cooking oil or in smoothies the best way to get more coconut oil.

How to use?

Healthy popcorn topping

Buy some non-GMO certified organic popcorn. Cook it up in a pot like they used to, not the microwave, on a stovetop and pour in some coconut oil and some Himalayan sea salt, absolutely delicious.

Coffee creamer

Coffee, some coconut oil, you can also add in some ghee or grass-fed butter, delicious in coffee.

Smoothie nutrient booster

Bone broth protein powder in coconut oil makes the perfect morning smoothie that really sustains you and gives you energy throughout the day.

Skin moisturizer

Skin moisturizer, again, mixing with essential oils such a geranium and lavender can help hydrate the skin.

Cellulite solution

Mixing coconut oil with grapefruit essential oil rubbing it on your skin rigorously or in circle motions and right up and down on an area where you have cellulite, for two minutes, can be effective at reducing the appearance of cellulite.

Some other uses:

  • Natural makeup remover
  • Coconut oil pulling
  • Stretch mark reducer
  • Help remove gum from hair

Some Important References:

Top 10 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Coconut Oil – by – Healthline

Is Coconut Oil Good for Your Skin? – by – Healthline

What to know about coconut oil – by – MedicalNewsToday

Is Coconut Oil Bad For You? – by – Pritikin

Coconut oil for weight loss: Does it work? – by – MayoClinic

Coconut Oil and Cholesterol – by – Healthline

Coconut oil: heart-healthy or just hype? – by – HarvardHealthPublishing

Should You Try Oil Pulling? – by – USNewsHealth

10 Truths (and Lies) You Should Know About Coconut Oil – by – CheatSheet