Technological Advancements That Have Helped Improve Medical Safety and Emergency Preparedness

In the current high tech world, technology has been applied in almost all industries. The health industry is of no exemption in the application of the various technological advancements. As a result, the technology in the health sector has helped improve the safety, quality, and cost of medical services. Medical safety and emergency preparedness are some of the health departments that have benefited through the innovation of technology. This has saved not only countless lives but also allowed better diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. Below is more information on some of these technological advancements that have helped in medical safety and emergency preparedness.

Use of Portable Monitors

Portable monitors are some of the items that have been made using technical knowledge and are being used in the hospital. These are devices that allow nurses to check on their patients regardless of their location. This way, they are in a position to monitor their patients even when they are busy elsewhere. The portable monitors check on vital signs in the body, such as oxygen saturation and respiratory rates, among others.

Additionally, the device sends an alarm to the nurse in case of an emergency, thus saving a life. For this reason, the nurses can accurately monitor several patients in the hospital without missing any emergency. Nurses are taught on the use of portable monitors in various nursing schools.

Easy Access to 911 And Emergency Communication Apps

Technology, primarily through the use of smartphones, has made it easy to use the emergency contact 911 even for young children. However, for one to benefit from the use of 911, they must be conversant with the use of smartphones. This way, emergencies can easily be reported and worked on before it is too late. There are also emergency communication apps such as telehealth that allow patients and doctors to video-chat and enable treatment even when they are at different geographical locations. Additionally, Teleapp allows doctors to monitor a patient’s health and give the right advice even at a distance.

Geographical Information Systems (GIS)

When it comes to responding to emergency cases, the geographic information systems have played a major role. This is when they help locate an area where an emergency has been reported within the shortest time possible. Through the use of geographical information systems technology, it is also possible to tell the number of victims in the emergency and the kind of help they need. Additionally, GIS has simulations and models that help detect some of the areas that are vulnerable to disaster and come up with some of the possible safety technics. On the other hand, the planners exercise recovery and response plans to help rescue in the event of an emergency. This way, it becomes easier to save more lives.

Automated IV Pumps

Automated IV pumps are devices that control the drips and dosages that are administered to patients. Through the use of Automated IV pumps, nurses can change the drip amounts at ones and avoid modifying the pumps on the patients now and then. This way, patients get their medication at the right time as well as food through the IV pumps for nutrition. The use of Automated IV pumps also helps avoid cases of human errors that could cause more harm than good on the patients. It also allows nurses to work on other areas without having to measure and give medication and food. Various hospitals with the use of these IV pumps offer training to their nurses and clinic workers, thus ensuring that everything is done in the right way.

Road Safety and in Motion Vehicle Gateways

In the event of an emergency, different transport channels will be used to take the casualties to the hospital. When the transport channels have a problem, this ends up causing more harm than good. For this reason, technology has been used to improve road safety and motion in vehicles as they get patients and transport them to the hospital. For instance, cars have wireless broadband, which helps provide a secure and safe connection. This connection helps provide excellent communication with those concerned such as the doctors, to help them prepare for the casualty that you have. On the other hand, companies such as Biofridge that help in the production of medical refrigerators and freezers. Some of these fridges are used in the transport system to help make sure that the perishable organs remain fresh.

As mentioned above, technological innovations continue to improve and positively impact different areas. Various departments in the medical center have developed from the introduction of technology in the health department. Use the information above to get an insight into how technology has bettered medical safety and emergency preparedness.