We hope you’re not hungry because this post will make you want to chuck out a lot of food from your fridge. At same time, you should go for healthy foods and you can also go for meal prep delivery to order the food that suits your lifestyle.
Coconut oil
We’ve been hearing for years that coconut oil can be used for just about anything. You can replace olive oil with it, put it in your coffee, use it as a moisturizer, the possibilities are endless. But there’s a huge debate going on into health community about whether coconut oil is actually good for you or not.
According to a survey, 72% of Americans think that it is indeed a healthy food. However, since coconut oil increases our bad LDL cholesterol. The American Heart Association advises against its use.
There’s also no real evidence of coconut oil providing any long-term health benefits. A nutrition researcher at Cornell University even said that coconut oil is probably not quite as bad as butter but not as good as extra-virgin olive oil.
While coconut oil does raise our good HDL cholesterol, the fact that it increases our LDL cholesterol too has health experts worried. One tablespoon of this healthy food has 120 calories, which can cause you to gain weight if you’re not careful. We’re not saying that you have to ban coconut oil from your diet completely. But you should probably limit your consumption.
Soy milk
Ever since cow’s milk gained itself a negative reputation. People have been reaching for non-dairy milk options instead.
Soy milk is made from soybeans which are very controversial food in the world of nutrition. Over 90 percent of the soy that’s produced in the US gets sprayed with a herbicide that might be negatively affecting our health.
Soy is also full of isoflavones which can activate estrogen receptors in the human body, when that happens the hormones in our body don’t function the way that they’re supposed to. There have also been studies that show that soy isoflavones can increase the activity of cells in the breast. Cells which are likely to turn cancerous. Some research even proved that soy can cause breast cancer in rodents.
A Japanese study also showed that consuming soy can raise the level of the thyroid-stimulating hormone in the body. Many of their subjects experienced impaired thyroid function symptoms that went away after they stopped consuming soy. You’re probably better off with homemade almond milk instead.
If you’ve just started being more health-conscious. You’ve probably been looking up different smoothie recipes to get started. While drinking a smoothie for breakfast is an easy way to add fruit to your diet.
One nutrition expert said that smoothies are essentially a new form of soft drinks. Even if you’re not adding any sugar into your blended drink, it’ll still contain high levels of natural sugar that will skyrocket your blood sugar. You know there are two frozen bananas that you like to add in to make the texture nice and perfect, they can add approximately 30 grams of sugar to your frozen beverage. Because you drink a smoothie without chewing your body doesn’t feel as satisfied as when you eat real food and since the fiber of the fruit gets pulverized by your blender, your body doesn’t have to work hard to digest it.
Most smoothie drinkers also forget to add protein to their drinks. All of this will just lead to you getting hungry again after drinking your high-calorie smoothie but don’t think that you have to give up smoothies completely. Just stop ordering them from Booster Juice and pay attention to what goes inside your homemade versions.
Agave nectar
We already all know that white sugar is the devil but what’s so terrible about agave nectar. Made from the agave tequilana plant, this syrup is one and a half times sweeter than regular sugar. And is also lower on the glycemic index.
Everyone raves about gobby nectar but there’s not a lot of substantial evidence to prove it’s actually healthy. Agave reportedly contains more fructose than any other sweetener including high fructose corn syrup. And anyone with a brain knows that consuming large amounts of fructose is incredibly bad for you. Since fructose is rapidly converted into fat. Those who use agave nectar might be at a greater risk of weight.
When fructose is metabolized in our bodies it can also trigger inflammation. Furthermore, fructose produces triglycerides which can contribute to the fatty arterial plaques that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. And the way that agave nectar is manufactured actually strips the natural agave juice of its nutritional value. When it comes to this healthy food the cons definitely outweigh the pros. Try sticking to raw honey instead.
Protein powder
At first glance, protein powders seem like a simple way to get more protein into your diet. Plus protein powder helps you grow bigger muscles. The issue with protein powder is that unless you’re a big-time athlete you usually don’t need that much protein to achieve your gym goals.
The body needs between 10-14 additional grams of protein a day to build 1 pound of muscle. But some protein powders offer 80 grams of protein per serving. And too much protein can have a negative effect on your liver and kidneys. An excessive amount of protein can also cause your body to convert it into fat. It can even increase your risk of dehydration.
It’s most probably full of added sugar if you don’t have any specific athletic goals to reach. You should probably just try to eat more chicken and beef for protein. Protein shakes can be an excellent way for athletes to supplement their diets for most regular people just don’t know how to use them properly.
Banana chips
They’re essentially just dried up pieces of banana, most people assume that they’re automatically good for you but most people should probably do their research before making any assumptions. Many banana chip manufacturers deep-fry the banana slices to give them their satisfying crunch. This makes them high in saturated fats which can increase cholesterol levels. They actually have about 60% more than the recommended amount of saturated fats that should be consumed per day.
Banana chips also have less fiber than real bananas. So if you want to feel full for longer, you’re better off just eating the real thing. Your favorite brand of banana chips probably contains more added sugar than you should be allowing in your healthy diet. A half-cup of dried banana chips can have 12 grams of added sugar in it which is equal to about three teaspoons.
You would also probably never eat two bananas in one sitting but that’s fairly easy to do when you’re chowing down on a bag of these bad boys. Everything is okay in moderation, but just don’t try to fool yourself into thinking that your banana chips are healthy.
Whole wheat bread
If you’re a low maintenance person then swapping out white bread for whole-wheat. It’s probably the one healthy living tip that you’ve actually followed through. You didn’t know that there’s a bunch of sugar hidden in your whole-wheat bread. In fact, two slices of whole wheat bread can have more teaspoons of sugar in them than a Snickers bar. And unless you’re diligently baking your holy bread at home the bread that you buy in-store might not be 100% whole wheat.
In order for a product to fit the bill, the FDA says that it needs to be made up of certain proportions of germ bran and endosperm. However, many companies have found a loophole by processing grain as white flour and then adding germ and bran to it. Doing so makes their product pass as whole-wheat even though that’s far from the truth.
It is also reported that whole wheat can raise the amount of small dense LDL particles in the body. We already know that high levels of LDL cholesterol are bad for you. But there’s an even greater risk of heart disease in people with elevated levels of small dense LDL particles.
Low-fat yogurt
One of the main reasons that low-fat yogurt is so unhealthy. Stems from the fact that it doesn’t have a lot of fat. To make the low-fat yogurt taste better many companies add in a ton of sugar.
Just one serving of this healthy food can contain as much 60% of your recommended sugar consumption for the day. Most brands of full-fat yogurt don’t need the added sugar because they’re already naturally sweet. Of course, there are so many different kinds of yogurt out there, so you really have to check the label to know what’s inside.
We’ve all been told that we should have as little fat as possible in our diets but the fat inside of full-fat yogurt isn’t necessarily the bad kind. Just make sure that you don’t accidentally eat two portions instead of one and you’ll be fine. If you’re taking in way too much sugar from your daily low-fat yogurt habit you might eventually start to see negative consequences. Too much sugar can cause cavities weight gain high blood pressure and insatiable hunger.
We didn’t know is that some margarine contains trans fats which increase the risk of heart disease. Trans fats also lower our good HDL cholesterol levels. Generally speaking, the more solid the margarine is the more trans fats it contains. So if you’re using the stick version of margarine then you’re probably better off switching back to butter. Even margarine brands that claim to have zero trans fats can have up to 0.5 grams of trans fats per tablespoon serving. And health experts advise us to avoid trans fats completely.
Many margarine also contains yellow 6 food coloring which is derived from petroleum. Yellow 6 is considered to be so controversial that it is banned in several European countries. It has been linked to food allergies ADHD and cancer.
The bottom line is that margarine is a manufactured product whereas butter is all-natural. That doesn’t mean that you could eat as much butter as you want but you’re better off using low-fat butter on your toast and margarine.
Nutrition bars
We’re living in a very health-conscious society that actually cares about what goes inside of our bodies. That’s why we all carry nutrition bars around with us to avoid having to buy junk food whenever hunger strikes.
There’s also a nutrition bar for every occasion:
- Energy bars
- Meal replacement bars
- Protein bars
- Diet bars
- Breakfast bars
Health experts warn that some brands of nutrition bars have way too much sugar and saturated fats in them.
While nutrition bars do make our lives easier you still need to read the label before mindlessly consuming one.
Potato plant poisoning occurs when someone eats the green tubers or newest plots of the potato plant. Solanine is a dangerous nerve toxin that is produced in any green part of the potato that includes leaves, stems, and any green part of the potato.
In fact, the leaves from potato plants are high in glycoalkaloids, another deadly poison. So never eat potatoes that are spoiled or green below the skin. Always throw away these sprouts. Potatoes that are not clean and have had any sprouts removed are safe to eat.
Corn flakes
If you will check the nutritional information label at the back of the corn flakes packet, you will find that one serving of corn flakes has about 100 calories which are very less. It has almost zero grams of fat which is great. It has about 27 grams of carbohydrates which is fine because it is actually a carbohydrate source.
So what is the problem? The problem is that it has only 1 gram of fiber. Now, a complex carbohydrate source that is a whole grain has just 1 gram of fiber. Isn’t it odd? Well, you will get the answer to this if you will check the ingredient list.
Apart from all the artificial flavors, it contains high fructose corn syrup. High fructose corn syrup is nothing but synthesized a form of sugar. In my opinion, if you find a product which has high fructose corn syrup in it, just stay away from it.
Peanut butter
Peanuts are a source of essential fatty acids which are great for heart, brain, and other body functions. And so is natural peanut butter.
However, most of the peanut butter that you get in the market are adulterated with hydrogenated oils, salt, sugar, preservatives, and additives.
Hydrogenated oils are the main villain here. Hydrogenated oils are vegetable oils whose chemical structure has been altered by an excessive amount of heating at high temperatures.
Doing this will increase the saturated fats and trans fats in the product. Such peanut butter will do more harm to you than good.
Actually, why would you want to buy such peanut butter when you can make all-natural peanut butter at home.
Act II popcorn
Popcorn is ideally low-calorie great snack option. However, act 2 popcorn which we are generally used to eating is not a great option.
Act 2 popcorn packets are loaded with partially hydrogenated oils, artificial flavors, and colors.
Eating Act 2 popcorn on a daily basis can increase the fat in your body and may also lead to heart diseases in the long run.
My suggestion to you to not to go for such shortcuts. You can make popcorn at home with little or no oil whatsoever. It hardly takes any time.
Whole milk
Full cream milk also known as whole milk or full-fat milk is not a great option when you are looking for fat loss or lean muscle gains.
This is because 100 ml of whole milk has about 5 grams of fat. And most of it is saturated fat. Now, the daily recommended intake of saturated fat is not more than 20 grams. So if you are consuming 500 ml of full cream milk, you might be consuming too much-saturated fat.
Too much-saturated fat can lead to clogging of arteries and other heart diseases. Moreover, full-fat milk is costlier than low-fat milk. So, why would you want to buy something which is expensive and which may also hinder with your fitness goals.
White rice
Now white rice is a staple food of India. It is eaten almost everyday especially in south India. So, is white rice unhealthy? Well, they are not healthy either. If you finding it hard reducing your weight, there are chances that you are having white rice on a regular basis.
Do you know that white rice is formed from brown rice, when the husk of brown rice is removed and polishing is done, we get white rice. And in the process of this refining, we lose essential vitamins, minerals, omega 3 and fiber. And all we are left is a simple form of carbohydrate.
Simple carbohydrates give you energy for a very short duration. Eating white rice on a regular basis will spike your insulin and get stored as fat. It may also become a reason for obesity and diabetes in the long run.
Switch to brown rice. These days whole grain brown rice is very easily available in the supermarkets at very cheap prices.
Packed soups
Now packed soups are one of the best low-calorie starters which fill your tummy and make you eat less in the actual meal.
However, packaged soups are the worst soups that you will ever have. They have so many ingredients that your body doesn’t need.
Moreover, they are loaded with a lot of sodium. One small pack has about 2400 mg of sodium which is way above the daily recommended intake. Too much of sodium leads to water retention in your body which makes you put on weight.
Also, it leads to medical conditions like hypertension and high blood pressure. So it is always recommended to make soups at home with fresh ingredients so that they provide all the benefits that they are meant to provide.
Masala oats
Now, when people hear oats, they automatically relate it to being healthy. Well, it’s not the case when it comes to masala oats. They are loaded with unwanted additives, preservatives, coloring, and flavor.
No doubt, oats are a great source of complex carbohydrates. They are rich in soluble and insoluble fibers which help you lose weight. So, I would suggest you buy natural oats and make them masala at home. You can customize them with your favorite vegetables and spices.
Processed meat
The normal meat is chemically altered to increase the shelf life, enhance the flavors and make it more stable. Meats undergo a lot of processes like salting, curing, fermentation and smoking to get the desired results.
These are so unhealthy that the world health organization has added them in group 1 list of foods that cause cancer.
So make sure you avoid bacon, ham, sausages and other forms of processed meats at all cost.
Organic processed foods
It’s a really tricky subject? We think that organic is so good for us, but when we learn a little bit more, if something has been processed, let’s say an organic nutritional bar. And you turn it over and you look at the facts and it says an organic raw sugar; that is not healthy.
Trail mix
You’re eating some trail mix that you think is so good for you and, “Oh my it’s so tasty!” But it’s got these yogurt covered raisins, it’s got the banana chips that have been deep-fried. That is not good for us.
Vegetable oil
If in your pantry, you’ve got anything like rapeseed oil, or any of the vegetable oils, other than like, olive or avocado, take it out and throw it in the garbage. It is destroying your health and that of your families.
Many people, not just those with gluten intolerance or sensitivity, can find it hard to digest gluten.
In processed foods, when something is removed, another thing is usually added. So, gluten-free items can contain a lot of refined additives that are essentially depleted of nutrients, and they’re no healthier than any other snack.
Instead, try a homemade, or cleaner snack. One with fewer ingredients and more whole grains even if it does contain wheat or gluten, will be healthier for most than a refined and processed gluten-free option.
Dried fruit
Well, dried fruit does normally contain some good stuff like fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Companies often use large amounts of sugar and oil to preserve them.
Just look at dried cranberries for example, in his standard packet only around 60 percent of the calories are from the fruit, the other 40 percent is made up of sugar, oil, and preservatives. Making something that we all thought was pretty healthy not that good for us.
Brown rice syrup
It’s made from rice. It seems natural and healthy, and it contains glucose but no refined fructose which is good.
It’s very high on the glycemic index, meaning it will spike blood sugar super fast. Not to mention it’s extremely refined and contains no essential nutrients. It’s empty calories.
Instead, another natural liquid sweetener or even a no-calorie sweetener, regardless, the goal should be moderation with all sweeteners, sugar-filled or not.
Vegan mayo
What makes mayonnaise unhealthy isn’t the eggs or cholesterol or saturated fat, it’s actually the inflammatory oils.
Inflammatory oils exist in regular and vegan mayonnaise options. What’s worse is that vegan mayo options, like many other fake vegan foods, are often more processed. Some variations contain MSG in disguise and many contain brown rice syrup or soy proteins which aren’t doing our bodies any good either.
Instead, try making your own clean avocado or olive oil mayo. You can avoid inflammatory oils and sugar. I do this almost weekly, and it’s a great clean option.
Rice cakes
They’re low in calories and a great vessel for spreads or toppings.
They’re typically made with white rice which is digested quickly and can spike blood sugar and insulin, meaning you’re more likely to store it as fat than burn it.
Instead, try a less processed or even homemade seed or whole-grain cracker. They may have more calories, but they’ll have more nutrients too. If you must have rice cakes, then get one that’s made with 100% brown rice or a whole grain option, but recognize that they are still very much so processed foods.
It tastes delicious. Did you know that it’s actually just refined wheat? Essentially like a processed white pasta? You have to actually to buy a true whole wheat variety to make sure it’s whole grain, or better yet, try a more nutritious option, like quinoa or bulgur wheat.
Veggie burgers
They’re often loaded with over-processed proteins and soy products, lacking vegetables and rarely healthy.
Instead, if you aren’t eating meat but will eat fish, consider a tuna or salmon patty. If you want to go meatless all together, go for a homemade or at least a cleaner variety with fewer ingredients using actual vegetables, legumes or quinoa.
They are lower in fat than fried potato chips. Other than that, they’re pretty much the same as other fried snacks. They’re higher in sodium, nutritionally empty, made with white flour, corn syrup, and corn oil.
Instead, go for a potato or sweet potato chip that’s baked or if you’re really feeling nutritious, vegetable or kale chips. Just watch out for those inflammatory oils if you aren’t making your own.
Salad dressings
So you’re out to eat somewhere and you think to yourself “I’m going to get the seller today and be healthy”, but when it comes it is absolutely smothered in salad dressing.
The problem here is you’ve taken a meal that could be extremely healthy like a salad and covered it in a dressing that is full of fat, sugar, and sodium.
There is nothing healthy about most salad dressings but if you do want to jazz up your salads while keeping it healthy, just add a bit of extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar. It always tastes good and is much better for your health.
Diet soda
Now, this one should be a no-brainer for most people out there, but sadly there are still people that seem to think drinking diet soda is somehow good for your health. I think they mainly believe it’s good for their health because it has the word “diet” in the title.
Even a diet soda probably is a little bit better for your health than a normal soda but it’s still packed full of artificial, flavors, chemicals, and sweetness, you just don’t want or need. If you’re thirsty and what the healthy option just have some water.
Flavored and salted nuts
Plain nuts can be extremely wonderful for your health. They really are some of the most nutritious foods we can eat.
However, when you add different flavors, roast them, and cover them in salt they lose a lot of their health benefits. Also, that salty taste can become rather addictive and you can find yourself eating a lot of very salty nuts quite quickly, which really isn’t great for your health.
Fruit juice
100 percent fruit juice is good for you, but most fruit juice that is sold contains little to no real fruit in it. It is really common to find a so-called fruit juice that contains nothing but artificial flavors and preservatives, some fruit concentrate, loads of sugar and a bit of water.
As you can imagine there is nothing good for you about sugary artificially flavored water. So next time you buy juice to check the label and see if there’s actually any real fruit in it.
Eggs have long been heralded as the perfect health food. Something that is great for all ages and can do you no harm. Sadly, this is not true.
Most people don’t even understand what an egg actually is. It’s a chicken’s period, which is pretty disgusting if you think about it. Now it’s actually illegal to advertise eggs as being safe, healthy, and nutritious in the United States, which tells you a lot about how the US government views them.
Eggs are the largest source of dietary cholesterol in the American diet. Despite what the egg industry wants you to believe, eggs really aren’t very nutritious or healthy. In fact, if you compare the iron levels of an egg to other foods like nuts, seeds, beans, and greens; eggs have significantly lower levels. It seems we’ve all been lied to but the health benefits of eggs.
More specifically uncertified American apples. In 2012, the European food agency and apples from being sold in the EU that had been treated with a substance known as DPA. DPA is applied to almost all apples grown in America and allows farmers to store their apples for months at a time without going off.
A real problem here lies with a study conducted by two British scientists in 1956. They reported that a chemical used in the production of DPA produced liver cancer, lung cancer, and a long list of other medical problems when tested on rats.
When the EU challenged apple farmers about this they couldn’t produce any real evidence to counter the study. So the EU banned that for safety reasons.
Palm oil
You might not have heard of palm oil but chances are you definitely have eaten or used some of it. Palm oil is vegetable oil, derived from the palm fruit. Grown from African oil palm trees.
Over 50 million tons of palm oil is produced every year. Supply over 30% of the world’s vegetable oils. Being a veggie oil it obviously isn’t that great for your health. But Palm oil real damage is done to the environment, animals, and local people. In order to produce palm oil rapidly, producers have to burn down and destroy huge patches of forest.
So they can plant African oil palm trees. This obviously has a devastating impact on biodiversity. Currently, a third of all mammal species in Indonesia are considered to be critically endangered as a consequence of palm oil.
Sugar-free candy
Sweets and candies that are specifically advertised as sugar-free tend to contain artificial sweetness. And these sweeteners don’t tend to agree with your digestive system.
A great example of this is the reviews for sugarfree gummy bears. Literally, hundreds of people have complained about having extreme intestinal cramping and explosive diarrhea that went on for hours and hours after eating sugar-free candy.
The most popular seafood in the American diet. Our taste for shrimp has an astounding environmental impact and potentially threatens our health. For each pound of wild shrimp harvested from oceans. There are between 3 and 10 pounds of bycatch pulled onto the boat deck, including sea turtles and much juvenile fish.
Farmed shrimp, generally come from mangrove forests, which have been clear-cut and turned into filthy ponds, doused with antibiotics and chemicals to ward off disease. Experts say, if you want to be a responsible seafood eater, then you should really give up shrimp.
Energy drinks
Energy drinks are sold as a great solution; if you’re feeling tired or a bit low. They’re often targeted at teenagers and young adults and boast a wide array of flashy celebrity and extreme sports endorsements to reel in this group. But if you actually have a look at what energy drinks are? You might think twice before you go down your next can.
Energy drinks are technically sold as dietary supplements, not beverages. This means; they are not subject to the same strict safety standards as normal foods or drinks. Pretty much every energy drink out there, contains copious amounts of sugar, caffeine, and Torrie. Now it doesn’t take a genius to work out the consuming high levels of processed sugar and caffeine is probably quite bad for you. Just having two or more standard energy drinks in one day puts you at serious risk of increased heart rate, anxiety, stomach problems, and dehydration. There have also been a number of serious incidents, where energy drinks are thought to be to blame.
Olestra or Olean
It’s found in so-called fat-free chips and some french fries. It was created by Procter and Gamble as a calorie and cholesterol-free fat substitute to be used in fat-free snacks.
It was approved for use by the FDA in 1996. When rats have been fed potato chips made with a lien or olestra. They showed extreme signs of unparalleled weight gain.
In human studies, Olean has caused adverse intestinal reactions to the fake fat including diarrhea, cramps leaky bowels, and even an oily anal leakage; which really doesn’t sound very nice.
It’s also been shown to deplete fat-soluble vitamins in our bodies like vitamin A, D, E, and K. Just stay away from this stuff.
Strawberries (Non-Organic)
The little red fruit is nutritious and delicious. It’s also fragile, vulnerable, and often grown on coastal California real estate. So strawberry growers use a class of pesticides known as immigrants. The lasting the soil with gases for they plant each season’s crops.
Immigrants are like an insurance policy. Taking out possible pests, diseases, and wheat before they can cause any problems. Even when used correctly, FEMA Goods turn into hard to control gases that float into the air. Affecting workers and nearby residents. They’ve been linked to cancer developmental problems and ozone depletion.
So if you want to eat strawberries in the United States. It’s probably best for everybody if you go organic in this case.
Artificial food colors
There are more than 3000 food additives, preservatives, flavorings, colors, and other synthetic ingredients; added to u.s. foods.
These products are mainly marketed for children and infants. In 2009, the British government advised companies to stop using synthetic food dyes in all their products.
These substances can be found in things like mac and cheese, cheddar flavored crackers, jello, and in most children cereal. Research has linked this rainbow of additives to early years behavioral problems; cancer, birth defects, as well as a long list of childhood allergies like asthma.
Bitter almonds
Sweet almonds may be safe to eat but bitter almonds are not. Bitter almonds are wild almonds and contained 50 times more cyanide per kilogram than sweet almonds.
According to the 2013 study in ISRN toxicology; eating 50 Beauty almonds can be deadly. If you have been exposed to a small amount of cyanide you may experience dizziness, headaches, nausea, vomiting, rapid breathing, and rapid heart rate.
Ackee fruit
Ackee fruit is the national fruit of Jamaica and will appear in many popular dishes such as ackee and saltfish. And it can also be eaten on its own. Unfortunately, you’ve eaten before the fruit is ripe it can cause intense vomiting and even lead to a coma and in worst-case scenarios death.
Now, this is because the unripe ackee contains a toxin called hyperglycemia. Well, the fruit must have turned red and opened up naturally, the black seeds are always toxic, so never eat those. It’s only the yellow fleshy inner part of the fruit that can be eaten.
Bat soup
Bat soup is a dish found on the Pacific Rim and Asia. And especially people in Thailand love to eat this delicacy.
Now the flavor of fat is considered to be similar of that of chicken. However, the meat is far more dangerous.
Now bats tend to eat size saat seeds which means they have built up high levels of the pesticide DDT in their fat tissue. Now consumption of DDT can lead to neurological diseases. On top of that bats are known to carry viruses such as a bowler and HIV both of which can and will kill.
So don’t freak out or anything. Mushrooms that you buy from the supermarket or grocery stores are safe but there are mushrooms out there that can and will kill you, which means you need to be extra specially careful when foraging.
Generally speaking, unless you’re fully trained we would advise that you never eat a mushroom picks from the ground. It’s just not worth it.
The biggest killer and the most poisonous mushroom in the world is the Death Cap toadstool which is the biggest culprit of death by accidental poisoning. Now the problem with this is that it looks a lot like an edible mushroom so many Pickett to eat it.
Turkey bacon
This one personally devastated me, because I used to eat nothing but turkey bacon.
Bacon is so dang delicious, there is actually a United Church of Bacon, that substitutes their faith in a higher power with faith in the higher flavor of greasy meaty goodness.
Pork belly bacon is as unhealthy as it is delicious. Because of the high fat and sodium, increases your risk of high blood pressure and stroke. So the poultry cartels saw an opening and created turkey bacon as a healthy alternative.
Turkey bacon is still processed meat, treated with mountains of sodium, artificial colors, sodium nitrates, and still has plenty of saturated fat. Now turkey bacon is still a healthier alternative but with only slightly less fat and calories. You might as well just go for the full pork bacon.
Blue zones in Japan, where people live past 100, attribute their longevity to a diet of raw fish and rice. But if they ate Western-style sushi, like a deep-fried California roll, they’d die young and beautiful just like us.
Many of the fish found in traditional sushi meals contain lean protein and anti-inflammatory omega 3’s. But spicy tuna rolls are loaded with enough mayonnaise for one to one and a half tuna sandwiches.
Then there are the sauces, particularly soy, which is sodium city and is ubiquitous in sushi meals, and grossly overused by Japanese standards, so you can’t even taste the fish.
Once upon a time, granola was the healthiest thing to eat since sliced bread, which as it also turns out is very bad for you.
The health-food granola that you’re used to, is really not healthy since it’s typically made with butter, shortening, and or sugar. And it’s often an excuse to cram in chocolate chips, sugary fruits, and yogurt covering, so the average serving can have as much as 400 calories.
Just keep in mind that there are healthier granola options, but instead of going for a misleading tsunami of sugar and fat, just go for the original cast member, a handful of raw nuts.
Bottom line
My idea of making this post was that you should be aware of what you purchase and what you eat. So next time when you go for grocery shopping, don’t judge a product with what is written on it’s front. Go at the back and check the nutritional information and ingredients and buy it accordingly.4